Auction Date
December 2, 2014 9:00 am EDT
From to EDT
Monday, December 1st, 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. or by appointment.
Levinoff-Colbex, S.E.C.
455 Rang 4 de Simpson
St-Cyrille-De-Wendover, QC
56,000 Sqft Complete State of the Art Cattle Slaughter Facility with a 4750 head per week capacity
Largest Cull Cattle Slaughter Processing Facility in Eastern Canada.
Includes boning operation, portion control, packaging & support equipment including refrigeration and waste water
The facility has had over 30 million dollars in upgrades in the last two years
Live onsite & online through www.BidSpotter.com.
Sepmatic sepa 1200 deboner & Machine Fabriek Bone Cannon/separator model HS-250-AUT & PS600 Crusher.
Jarvis Mdl. USS-1 Pneumatic Stun Guns, Mdl. 50G Dehorners, MG-1B Brisket Saws, 1000-FS Breaking Saws,
Jarvis Mdl. SCH165G Spinal Cord Remover, Dehiders,HS1 Steam Vacuum Hock Cleaners, Hock Cutter, Brisket Saws
678 Chain, with main drive, sprockets, tensioner, s.s. rail, S.S. Cattle Restrainer
20-Riopel Man Lifts for Kill Floor & Riopel S.S. Hyde Pullers & Side Pullers, Washers & Pateurizers, Head Splitters/Jaw Pullers
3 Townsend Mdl. 7600 Membrane Skinners
2 TecFood Mdl. V20 S.S. Stomach Washers
2 TecFood Mdl. RB120 S.S. Stomach Finishers & 7001V Intestine Finisher & Washer
Jarvis Mdl. SPC140 Pneumatic Breaking Saws & SHC165 Vacuumed Spinal Cord Remover & 1000-FS Circular Saws
4500 Beef Trolleys w/hook & 1000 Beef Trolleys w/long hook (24″)
10 Mettler Toledo S.S. Scale 8 Bettcher Whizard Trimmers
Koch Mdl. UV2100 Double Chamber Packaging Machine, Ser. #4919, Mfg. 2009
Cryovac Mdl. 8610T-14E Rotary Vacuum Chamber Packager, 4-chambers, (Like New)
2 Busch Mdl. RA0630. Busch Mdl. RAO400 Vacuum Pumps
3 Busch Mdl. WV1000B Booster Vacuum Pumps
Cryovac Mdl. ST101 Hot Water Shrink Tunnel
Supervac Mdl. GK853B S.S. Vacuum Chamber Packaging Machine (never installed)
Busch Mdl. WV1500 Vacuum Booster Pump
AEW Mdl. 900M & Biro Mdl. 55TL S.S. Band Saws
150 S.S. Mesh Gloves w/arm guards 200 S.S. Metal Links Aprons
3 CAT Pumps Mdl. 6040 Hi-Pressure Water Pumps
Caterpillar Mdl. ES3500 Stand-Up Forklift & 10 Raymond Electric Pallet Jacks
(2) Devair Twin Piston Air Compressors & (2) Sullair 100 H.P. Screw Air Compressors
12 REF Plus Refrigeration Compressor Packages, late model
Baltimore Mdl. VCI-N257 Air Coil Cooling Tower
(2) Mycom 125 H.P. Compressors & (1) Micro Mdl. N6W Spare Compressor (new in crate)
44 RefPlus 4-Fan Evaporators
Kenworth Truck w/Carrier Reefer, 26 ft., refrigerated body, Mfg. 07/05/2007, 144,784 Km.
Caterpillar Mdl. 246B Excavator, 8 ft. bucket attachment, 26,539 hours used
6 Truck Trailers, 28′, 40′ & 53′
3 Caterpillar Generators, 412.5 KVA, TA-1000 & P60-1721
Much, Much More Complete Plant Including Maintenance Shop & Office
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